Why you should install
Simple Steps to Install
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you have access to my passwords and payment info?
No, passwords and payment information are processed and encrypted on-site, thus ShopBack will not have access to those.
Will you have access to all of my browsing history?
You can choose to "Allow for One Day" or "Always Allow" to enable the tracking, whenever you need it!
How is this different from shopping and redirecting from ShopBack's app?
You save 1 step of redirecting, you don't have to login again to the merchant's site, or re-add items in your cart. If you have it set up, you'll also be able to utilise the autofill feature of your mobile browser when you checkout.
How is this different from the Chrome / Firefox desktop extension?
It works similarly to the Desktop extension. However the extension is not yet available for mobile devices.
Will this help with tracking cashback?
To ensure proper tracking, iOS users must disable "Prevent Cross-site Tracking". To do so, go to Settings > Safari > Privacy and Security.